Awhile back, Matt's sunglasses broke. They were cheap and had a long run. It wouldn't have been a big deal, but summer was just beginning. Lucky for him, his birthday was right around the corner. I bought him a sturdier pair, a little more on the spendy side. Happy birthday!
A mere couple months later they disappeared. Gone. Nowhere to be found.
I hate losing things. Absolutely hate it. And I was so upset that he had lost this new pair of sunglasses that I had picked out for him. I nagged and nagged about how he needed to find those sunglasses pronto. The poor guy couldn't even mention the sun being in his eyes without me jumping down his throat for losing those glasses. I wouldn't let him get a new pair because "You'll just lose those too!"
Yesterday. We were giving our apartment an overdo cleaning, de-junking, and reorganizing. I picked up a purse that I hadn't used in several months and emptied out the contents. Unfortunately Matt was in the room and I couldn't hide my loud gasp. He fell into a fit of laughter as he saw me pull HIS sunglasses from MY purse. I don't know how or when they got there. I just stood there with a look of bewilderment on my face as I remembered how awful I had been to him. I had them the whole time!
I walked over to him and hugged him and apologized over and over again. Lucky for me, he was still laughing.
The very next day. Today. I was chopping an onion for dinner. I must be hypersensitive to onions or something because I am always instantly blinded. Matt walked past the kitchen and saw my squinting mascara-covered sniffling face. He came back with a tissue and what else? His sunglasses (I love this man). They helped a little and I finished chopping the onion.
As I went to take them off, they got tangled and stuck in my hair. I must have been a bit too aggressive with them. Another gasp.
Matt was still in the room with me. I am so glad this guy has a sense of humor. This time he hugged me and threw the broken sunglasses in the garbage. Still laughing.
Sorry Matt. Guess what you're getting for Valentine's Day?
I am laughing so hard. Oh, the tears. I can totally picture this. Whoooo...thanks for the story. Unforgettable. Very sweet forgiveness story!